Vikings of Ireland and Isle of Man
by Anath Genomic Consultants AB
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What's included in Ancient DNA Hub?
- The Ancient DNA Hub DNA test provides powerful, innovative, and interactive DNA-based tools to help you find your ancient ancestors, trace your prehistorical lineages, and determine your ancient tribal origins.
- Find out how related you are to the Vikings of Ireland and Isle of Man (765-900 AD) found at six sites in Ireland and the Isle of Man. from these sites Maps data: (C) Google Maps 2023
- Receive a detailed breakdown of your ancient geographical origins, ancient ancestry maps showing where your ancestors lived and traveled, and your exact genetic similarity to each member of your ancient tribe.
- Compare your results with over 50 worldwide ancient and modern populations.
- Reach out and reconnect with your 1300-year-old Viking ancestors who spread from West-Central Europe to England, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe.
- Be a part of this millennia-old quest to trace the origin of Vikings using the power of genetics.
- Meet the Vikings of Dublin who founded Oxenaforda and battled the Anglo-Saxon – Their story can be your story.
- Basic test includes 5 members.
- Advanced test includes 15 members.
About the test
The Vikings' accomplishments in Ireland were numerous. They established thriving trade networks, bringing to Ireland goods like silver, silk, and spices. They also built impressive structures, including the famous round towers, which served as both lookout posts and bell towers. The Vikings were also skilled craftsmen and produced intricate jewelry, weapons, and other decorative items.
The Vikings also left a lasting cultural and genetic legacy in Ireland. Many Irish surnames have Viking origins, such as Doyle, Gallagher, and O'Brien. The Vikings also influenced Irish language and literature, with many Irish words and phrases having Viking roots.
We obtained the DNA of eight ancient Vikings from six sites throughout Ireland and the Isle Of Man who lived between 765 and 900 AD. The test provides a detailed history of Ireland Vikings from Medieval times, their haplogroup breakdown, and their history of encounters with other people and summarizes the evidence as to their whereabouts. The test includes a detailed historical, archeological, and paleogenetic background on the Ireland Vikings, including how they lived, their cultic practices and mysticism, their treatment of others, and their deeds. A detailed profile is available for every Viking.