The Mighty Xiongnu Empire
by Anath Genomic Consultants AB
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What's included in Ancient DNA Hub?
- The Ancient DNA Hub DNA test provides powerful, innovative, and interactive DNA-based tools to help you find your ancient ancestors, trace your prehistorical lineages, and determine your ancient tribal origins.
- Find out how related you are to the Xiongnu, ancestors of the Huns and Khazars, who settled Northeast Eurasia (300 - 500 AD) found at twenty-seven sites in Mongolia and Russia. from these sites
- Receive a detailed breakdown of your ancient geographical origins, ancient ancestry maps showing where your ancestors lived and traveled, and your exact genetic similarity to each member of your ancient tribe.
- Compare your results with over 50 worldwide ancient and modern populations.
- Reach out and reconnect with your 2500-year-old Xiongnu ancestors when they founded the first major steppe Empire in the eastern steppe melting pot.
- Meet the Xiongnu before and after their golden era as they rewrote the history of Eastern Asia – Their story can be your story.
- Basic test includes 5 tribal members.
- Advanced test includes 15 tribal members.
About the test
Paleogenomic studies carried out in 2020 in multiple Xiongnu sites identified Xiongnu individuals from 1600 BC to 1500 AD, vastly expanding the Xiongnu period. It was also found that the Xiongnu were the ancestors of the Huns and Khazars; each group later formed its steppe Empire. With these new genetic data, we can finally tell their full story and understand how they came to be, which were the founding tribes, and what their genetic legacy was.
The test includes 28 Xiongnu people who lived between 1600 BC and 1500 AD and witnessed the transformation of their people and society from simple farmers to an empire and back, after their defeat. The test provides a detailed historical, archeological, and paleogenetic of the Xiongnu. It describes the relationships of the Xiongnu with other ancient Asian people and their cultic practices. A detailed profile is available for every Xiongnu. Find out now how related you are to the rulers of the Eurasian steppe.