My 40 Ancient Gene Pools
by Anath Genomic Consultants AB
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What's included in Ancient gene pool test?
- The 40 Ancient Gene Pool Test provides a breakdown of your ancient ancestry with respect to 40 of the world’s most ancient and rare ancestries.
- Experience unparalleled accuracy in capturing and understanding the dynamic genetic diversity that has evolved over centuries with our cutting-edge, finer-resolution testing methods. Unveil the hidden intricacies of gene pools with confidence, as brought to you by this exceptionally accurate test.
- Discover Ancient Gene Pools that were not included in the previous tests, like the Egyptian and Caribbean Gene Pools!
- Receive a detailed breakdown of your ancient geographical origins.
- Explore your Irish gene pool ancestry.
- Explore your ancient origins in an interactive interface.
- Ancestry percentages (to the 0.1%).
- 2000+ ancient geographic locations.
- Basic test includes 35 gene pools.
- Advanced test includes 40 FREE gene pools.

About the test
As a result, Ancient DNA Hub® can go back further and more deeply into the past and reconstruct the global changes in the genetic gene pools with minimal assumptions.
The Ancient Gene Pool Test Series provides ancestral breakdowns from 5 to 50 ancient gene pools! To calculate your ancient ancestry, each test identified small fragments of your autosomal DNA that were retained from ancient cultures and were passed on to you by your ancestors, be it ancient Israelites, Paleoindians, Celts, or Vikings. These markers were carefully selected to inform us of the particular ancient regions and times where your ancestors may have lived. The test then calculates what unique ancestry derived from various geographic regions from different periods and provides them in the desired resolution. This test series covers all the continents throughout the past 17,000 years. The ancient people used to design the test were selected from: 2700+ regions (50 Rare Ancient Gene Pools), 2000+ (40 Ancient Gene Pools), 1500+ (30 Ancient Gene Pools), 1000+ (20 Ancient Gene Pools), and 500+ (10 Ancient Gene Pools).
Because Ancient DNA Hub® relies on ancient DNA, its results will likely differ from the results of other tests. These tests use modern-day people they can inform you who are your modern-day most similar populations, but they cannot be used to investigate your ancient past.
Gene pools included in the Basic test: Arctic, Subarctic, Great Plain, Plateau Basin, Pacific West, East Atlantic, N Uto Aztecan, S Uto Aztecan, Mesoamerican, Caribbean, Mayan, Amazonian, Andes, Argentinian, West African, Central African, South African, Malagasy, East African, North African, Mesopotamian, Persian, Israelite, Japanese, Chinese, Tibetan, Korean, Indian, Siberian, Slavic, Aegean, German, Nordic, Celtic, and Irish.
Gene pools included in the Advanced test: Arctic, Subarctic, Algonquian, Great Plain, Plateau Basin, Pacific West, East Atlantic, N Uto Aztecan, S Uto Aztecan, Mesoamerican, Puerto Rican, Caribbean, Mayan, Amazonian, Andes, Argentinian, West African, Central African, South African, Malagasy, East African, Egyptian, North African, Mesopotamian, Persian, Israelite, South Eastern Asian, Japanese, Chinese, Tibetan, Korean, Indian, North Western Asian, Siberian, Slavic, Aegean, German, Nordic, Celtic, and Irish.
Why take this test
The Ancient DNA Hub® DNA test is the first next-generation DNA test. It is designed solely using the DNA of ancient people throughout history using our novel technologies.
With this test, you will receive a precise ancient ethnicity estimate with far greater geographical details than you could imagine. Using genetic data and evidence from history and archeology, we can revive the past and allow you to take part in this story at the most personal level.