South African Zulus
by Anath Genomic Consultants AB
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What's included in Ancient DNA Hub?
- The Ancient DNA Hub DNA test provides powerful, innovative, and interactive DNA-based tools to help you find your ancient ancestors, trace your prehistorical lineages, and determine your ancient tribal origins.
- Find out how related you are to the Zulus of South Africa (400 BC – 1800 AD) found at ten sites in South Africa. from these sites Maps data: (C) Google Maps 2023
- Receive a detailed breakdown of your ancient geographical origins, ancient ancestry maps showing where your ancestors lived and traveled, and your exact genetic similarity to each member of your ancient tribe.
- Compare your results with over 50 worldwide ancient and modern populations.
- Reach out and reconnect with your 2400-year-old Zulu ancestors who communicate with colorful beads or their own click language.
- Explore the course of 2000 years of history with the Zulus at the Gold Age of their Kingdom – Their story can be your story.
- Basic test includes 5 tribal members.
- Advanced test includes 15 tribal members.
About the test
As was common among the peoples of Southern Africa, the Zulus had no written language. As such, much of their history concerning their origins and the identities of their early chieftains and kings remains unknown. It is known that they rose under the leadership of King Shaka in the 18th century AD. Though he preferred diplomacy, he was a trained warrior and reformed and strengthened the army. In the first quarter of the 19th century, Shaka had grown his land to cover an empire of 80,000 square miles.
Over time, the Zulus integrated defeated clans into their collective. The integration was full, and promotion to military and civil service was based on merit, not birthright. This allowed the Zulus to grow and prosper and for the Zulu kingdom to become the most powerful organization in South Africa until they were conquered by the British in 1879.
Although the Zulus still live today, they are detached from their ancient origins due to the lack of historical records. Who were the ancestors of the Zulus? Where did they migrate from? How similar are they to surrounding tribes? What is their genetic legacy to modern-day Africans? Until recently, scientists have mainly speculated as to the origin of the Zulus based on their language. This, however, changed in 2017 with the sequencing of the first Zulu genomes from ten sites in South Africa. These ancient people, living in the span of 2000 years, lived at the Gold Age of the Zulu Kingdom. Empowered by these genetic findings, we can finally tell their full story and understand their relationships with modern Africans over time as well as trace their genetic legacy.
The test includes 15 Zulus who lived between 400 BC and 1800 AD and provides a detailed historical, archeological, and paleogenetic background of their lives. It describes the relationships of the Zulu with other ancient Africans and their cultic practices. A detailed profile is available for every Zulu. Find out now how related you are to the Zulu impis (warriors!).