Greeks and Romans

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Greeks and Romans

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What's included in Ancient DNA Origins?

  • This Ancient DNA Origins DNA test collection provides powerful, innovative, and interactive DNA-based tools to help you find your ancient ancestors, trace your prehistorical lineages, and determine your ancient tribal origins.
  • Find out how related you are to the Minoans found at Lassithi, Heraklion, and Kephala Petras in Crete (2600-1700 BC), Greek Mycenaeans from multiple sites in Greece (1500-1387 BC), and Roman Britons found at the gardens of Driffield Terrace, part of an ancient Roman city located in York, England (60-350 AD) from these sites
  • Maps data: (C) Google Maps 2023
  • Receive a detailed breakdown of your ancient geographical origins, ancient ancestry maps showing where your ancestors lived and traveled, and your exact genetic similarity to each member of your ancient tribe.
  • Compare your results with over 50 worldwide ancient and modern populations.
  • Reach through time and reconnect with your old Minoan, Mycenaeans, and Roman ancestors at a deeper level than ever imagined.
  • Be a part of this three millennia-long quest to trace the origins and descendants of Greko-Romans using the power of genetics.
  • Be a part of the great Greko-Roman Mythology – Their Story can be Your Story.
  • Basic test includes 15 tribal members.
  • Advanced test includes 45 tribal members.

About the test

Do you have a family tradition about your Greco-Roman origins? Did you ever want to be part of great mythology or witness the Trojan War? Do you want to know the people who founded Greek culture, leaving their mark on our language, architecture, and engineering even to this day? This test combines three other tests available on our website for Crete Minoans, Greek Mycenaeans, and Roman Britons.

The island of Crete has been inhabited by humans and pre-humans on and off again for over 6 million years, but the story of the Minoans begins much later. Around 4000 BC, skilled farmers from north and eastern Eurasia were drawn to the island by its comfortable climate and its sea barrier that could provide some protection from invasion. Their farming skills had been passed down from generation to generation for over 6,000 years, yet on Crete, these people craved something more. The people who would become known as the Minoans wanted to create a new civilization. Little could they have imagined that their culture would be considered the first high culture in the Aegean and became world known for its society and religion. Yet, by 1100 BC, their civilization was wiped out. Perhaps it was ash from the volcanic eruption on Thera that destroyed their crops and starved them. Or maybe internal hardship made them vulnerable to the spreading of civilization from mainland Greece. Or maybe they had simply exhausted the resources of the island that had once served them.

The predecessors of the Minoans were the Mycenaeans. Their civilization flourished on mainland Greece, the Aegean islands, and parts of the western coast of modern-day Turkey from 1750 to 1050 BC. There they built palaces and citadels, waged war in chariots and ships, and worshiped the gods and goddesses of the Olympian Pantheon. They were idealized by the later classical Greeks, who told stories of the Mycenaeans’ bravery and wealth in their myths and poetry.

Eventually, the Romans conquered Greece and incorporated their culture into theirs. The Romans reached Britain and established various cities. Many graves are rich in goods the men there had been buried with honor and that fact combined with the marks of combat injuries they still bore on their skeletons suggested these men had been fierce and celebrated soldiers in life. Other graves are different. The Britons of Roman Driffield Terrace, for example, were buried without their head, posing a mystery as to why.

Using the DNA of ancient Crete Minoans, Greek Mycenaeans, and Roman Britons from multiple sites in Crete, Greece, and England this compendium test provides a detailed history of the ancient people of Greece and Rome, their haplogroup breakdown, and history of encounters with other people and summarizes the evidence as to their whereabouts. The test includes a detailed historical, archeological, and paleogenetic background on the people, including how they lived, their cultic practices and mysticism, their treatment of others, and their deeds. A detailed profile is available for every person.

Why take this test

Up until 2010, reading the DNA of ancient people was a dream. Since then, the DNA of the Neanderthal who lived over 30,000 years ago has been sequenced. After that reading, the DNA of ancient people who lived from 15,000 BC to 1,800 AD all over the world became the main object of paleogenomics research. This forward leap in technology allowed the creation of a new type of DNA test — tests that do not use modern-day populations as stand-ins for the ancient tribes but rather go right to the source and study these ancient peoples themselves.

The Ancient DNA Origins DNA test is the first next-generation DNA test. It is designed solely using the DNA of ancient people throughout history using our novel technologies.

With this test, you will receive a precise ancient ethnicity estimate with far greater geographical details than you could imagine. You will make new connections with historical people and places where your ancestors lived, walked, battled, created, and dreamed thousands of years ago. Using the genetic data and evidence from history and archeology, we can revive the past and allow you to take part in this story at the most personal level.

what do you get?

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Reconnect with your ancient ancestors and become a part of their story.


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dna matches


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Compare your results with other modern people


how is it done?


Download your DNA data

Simply download your DNA data from the company that genotyped your DNA and upload it here. We accept DNA from 23andme, AncestryDNA, MyHeritage, GenebyGene or FamilyTreeDNA (Family Finder), Genographic (Geno 2.0), HomeDNA, and LivingDNA.
Please upload a txt, csv, zip, gz or tgz file.
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You can pay per test or buy a subscription. With the Diamond subscription, you can order all the tests for less than $15 per test.

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Basic Test
Low resolution test
  • Personalized ancient ancestry report
  • 2-5 Ancient individuals per test
  • Extensive records of the ancient culture
  • 10+ Modern populations
  • Latest scientific knowledge
  • Interactive interface to discover your roots
  • 12 Tests with Emerald subscription
Advanced Test
High resolution test
  • Personalized ancient ancestry report
  • 15-30 Ancient individuals per test
  • 12 Geographic regions
  • Extensive records of the ancient culture
  • 50+ Modern populations
  • In-depth ancestry analyses
  • Latest scientific knowledge
  • Interactive interface to discover your roots
  • 12 Tests with Amber subscription

Have more than one DNA file?

You can upload several DNA files.

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Order the Ancient Origins DNA Swab kit.

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Your privacy is our top priority. When you send your DNA kit to us or upload your DNA file, we employ industry-standard security measures in every stage of our process, work to protect your data, and give you control over it—with data encryption, secure databases, and easy-to-use controls. You decide what you want to share and when. You are the sole owner of your DNA data. You can delete your DNA and account at any time and no cost. Your data will never be sold, licensed, or shared with any third parties without your explicit consent. Please read our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

The propriety ancient DNA tests were designed by experienced genetic and archeologist experts from academia and industry. The tests build on Ancient Origins professionals trusted by millions worldwide.

The tests are linked to the Ancient Origins database that offers over 12,000 FREE articles and magazine articles. The website also provides expert lectures, archeological expeditions, and the GPS Origins DNA test.