The Assyrians
by Anath Genomic Consultants AB
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What's included in Ancient DNA Hub?
- This Ancient DNA Hub DNA test collection provides powerful, innovative, and interactive DNA-based tools to help you find your ancient ancestors, trace your prehistorical lineages, and determine your ancient tribal origins.
- Find out how related you are to the Assyrians, including: Founders of Assur (2621 - 2338 BC) and Assyrian Merchants (1607 - 1875 BC) and Assyrian Conquerors (1458 - 1283 BC) and Assyrian Emperors (550 - 451 BC) from these sites
- Receive a detailed breakdown of your ancient geographical origins, ancient ancestry maps showing where your ancestors lived and traveled, and your exact genetic similarity to each member of your ancient tribe.
- Compare your results with over 50 worldwide ancient and modern populations.
- After almost 4,500 years, you can reconnect with your Biblical Assyrian forefathers at a deeper level than ever imagined.
- Be a part of this effort to reconstruct the ancient people of the Bible using the power of genetics.
- Meet the Assyrians, a prominent superpower in Mesopotamia and the heroes of several Bible stories— their story could be your story
- Basic test includes 16 tribal members.
- Advanced test includes 40 tribal members.
About the test
What tests are included in this compendium?
This test combines four of our existing tests available on our website: "The Assyrian Empire: Founders of Assur", "The Assyrian Empire: Assyrian Merchants", "The Assyrian Empire: Assyrian Conquerors", and "The Assyrian Empire: Assyrian Emperors".
Together, these tests comprehensively cover all the significant Assyrian eras, including the Early Assyrians, the Middle Assyrians (both early and late periods), and the Neo-Assyrians. Each of these periods represents a distinct chapter in the rich history of the Assyrian civilization, showcasing their evolution in culture, governance, and military prowess.
The Early Assyrians laid the foundational aspects of society and trade, while the Middle Assyrians advanced military organization and administrative sophistication, contributing to the expansion of their territories. The Neo-Assyrians, known for their formidable empire, brought about remarkable achievements in architecture, literature, and governance, leaving a lasting impact on the ancient world.
By participating in these tests, you can explore your ancestral connections to each of these influential periods and gain a deeper understanding of how the Assyrian legacy continues to resonate today. Embrace the opportunity to connect with the remarkable history of the Assyrians and discover how your roots may intertwine with this extraordinary civilization.
What will you receive?
The tests provide a detailed historical, archaeological, and paleogenetic background on each of the ancient people, including their daily life, religious practices, mysticism, interactions with others, and notable deeds. A comprehensive profile is available for every ancient tribe member, offering deep insights into their world.
Why take this test
The Ancient DNA Hub DNA test is the first next-generation DNA test. It is designed solely using the DNA of ancient people throughout history using our novel technologies.
With this test, you will receive a precise ancient ethnicity estimate with far greater geographical details than you could imagine. You will make new connections with historical people and places where your ancestors lived, walked, battled, created, and dreamed thousands of years ago. Using the genetic data and evidence from history and archeology, we can revive the past and allow you to take part in this story at the most personal level.